Terms Used - IAConnect - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external


Foundation 23.1
Deltek Costpoint Integration Console (CIC)

Deltek Costpoint Integration configuration tool that configures and publishes web services which can be used by external systems to import data into Costpoint. This tool also defines the data exchange XML formats used to pass data from external systems into Deltek Costpoint.

Deltek Costpoint Integration Web Services (CIWS)

These are Java-based web services that are published using the CIC. These web services can then be called by external (non-Deltek) systems passing in as parameter an XML representing the data that needs to be imported into Costpoint. Multiple CIWS can be published based on what data needs to be imported. For example. at this time, two CIWS are used by the IAConnect /Costpoint Import Services: Create PO Voucher and Create AP Voucher.

CIWS XML Formats

When a web service specific to CIWS is published, CIC defines the data that the web service can receive as input. This data or datasets are defined in the CIC during configuration of the particular CIWS. The data sets are represented by a specific XML structure that should be passed as input to the CIWS in question. For example, the XML required by the Create PO Invoice CIWS would be different from the Create AP Invoice CIWS. The sample format of the XML for the PO and AP are listed in the section CIWS XML Formats for PO and AP Vouchers.

/Costpoint Import Services (CIS)

This WCF based web service reads the GL Coding data and invoice header data from the IAConnect database and OnBase documents and pushes it into Costpoint using CIWS. The IAConnect data is massaged into a XML using CIS templates and passed as a parameter to CIWS.

CIS Templates

These are template files used by CIS to process IAConnect data to create specific CIWS XML formatted files. The actual data to be pushed into Costpoint is sourced from OnBase keywords for the invoice document and the corresponding line records from the IAConnect database for the same document. For Costpoint 7, there are four template files:

  • Header.txt

  • Main.txt

  • APMVCHR_LN.txt


The keywords and the line records from the database are used to extract fields that are then replaced in the template files that contain placeholders for these fields. A sample of a CIS Template file is included in the section CIS Template Files Explained.