Charge Code Change Option Set to True in Costpoint - IAConnect - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external


Foundation 23.1

In Costpoint, if the Charge Code Change check box is selected, users working with the IAConnect GL Coding control are able to modify the Project/Acct/Org information for any lines copied in from the related PO. When this option is selected, the PO_LN_ACCT table information should not be passed in the XML file, and therefore a section of the CIS template file must be removed.

The location of this check box in Costpoint 7 is Accounting | Accounts Payable | Accounts Payable Controls | Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings.


If this check box is ever unselected, this section must be replaced in the template file for this integration to work again properly. This is a Costpoint requirement.

To adjust the settings, follow these steps:

  1. Modify the PO template file and remove the entire POMPOVCH_VCHRLNACCT section from the XML.
    1. Navigate to the Costpoint Import Web Service under the virtual directory \IAAutomation40 on the web server on which IAConnect is installed.
    2. Locate the folder \bin\content\Create PO Voucher under this directory.
    3. Make a backup of the Line.txt file.
    4. Edit the file Line.txt to remove the %%LINEACCT%% line from the file. This completes the template change in CP Integration Web Service.
  2. Modify the CP Integration Console Configuration to support the previous change.
    1. Start the Costpoint Integration Console at Start | Costpoint 7.0.x | Start Costpoint 7.0.x Integration Console.
    2. Select Add/Edit Data Integration Methods from the available options and then click Next.
    3. Select the module Create PO Voucher and click Edit.
    4. In the Edit Data Integration Method dialog box, select POMPOVCH_VCHRLNACCT and click Delete Subtree. This removes this section from the XML file.
    5. Click Save, then click Close to close the utility.
    6. Build and deploy the module as described in the section Build and Deploy.