The following upgrade considerations have been compiled by OnBase subject matter experts. These upgrade considerations are general and applicable to most OnBase solutions and network environments and should be considered each time an upgrade is performed.
Carefully consider the impact of making any changes, including those listed below, prior to implementing them in a production environment.
For additional general information about upgrading OnBase, refer to the Upgrade Guidelines reference manual , and visit the Hyland Community at:
The following information is for solutions that include Docs for Deltek modules:
Client Connector for Deltek Costpoint
- Customer Configuration Application
In OnBase 17, a new Customer Configuration Application was introduced. If you are upgrading from an older version, the old Customer Configuration application must be removed in IIS.
- Depreciation of Business Rules Engine
As of OnBase 17, the Business Rules Engine (BRE) has been depreciated in favor of Workflow Approval Management (WAM). If you are upgrading from a previous version which used the BRE, the following virtual directories and their corresponding folders must be removed in IIS:
If applicable, update the Purchase Requisition Form in OnBase after upgrading.
Additionally, in the web.config file for InvoiceAutomationService, the following sections must be removed:
<DataAccessComponent name="PLDataAccessGeneralLedger" ... />
<DatabaseAccessHelper name="PLDataAccessHelper" ... />
<Queries name="PLGeneralLedgerQueries" ... ></Queries>
- CMIS Operations
If you maintain an application which uses the Discovery Service or Query operation, review the application's responses to the operations and update the logic handling these responses accordingly, as the names of some elements of interest on those responses may have changed after upgrading.
- Upgrades to 14 and Newer
To ensure compatibility, the version of the Docs for Deltek modules installed should be upgraded to match the version intended for use with the upgraded OnBase version.
If an older version of a Docs for Deltek module is used with OnBase 14 or newer, there may be some compatibility issues, such as user forms not working correctly.
As a general test of compatibility, if the service.asmx page of the upgraded OnBase Application Server is accessible from Docs for Deltek, then the integration will most likely continue to function as expected.