PLC Code - IAConnect - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external


Foundation 23.1

This Project Labor Category (PLC) field determines the billable labor rate to use when the expense line gets posted to Costpoint.

  • There are two ways to manually enter the PLC code value:

    • Use the PLC Code binoculars button to perform a look-up in Costpoint.

    • Type in the PLC code and press Tab and the field is validated.

  • The PLC Code value can also be automatically populated when the Vendor Empl number is entered, as long as the PLC Code field is blank. (This function does not overwrite any pre-existing PLC Code value.)

    The value used to populate this field depends on certain conditions in Costpoint. See Automatically Populating the PLC Code Field for more information.

  • A Project number must be entered on the expense line before populating this field.

  • If the Workforce flag in Costpoint is set to active for the project entered on this line, the PLC field is required.

  • The PLC code is validated against the Costpoint Billing Labor category table (PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT) if no vendor employee is assigned.

  • If the Vendor Empl field is populated first, then the PLC selection is limited to the vendor employee selected.

  • A configured setting in the Customer Configuration module determines whether the PLC code entry is required when the Account Number entered on the line an Account Type of Labor in the Project Account Group.

  • If the project in Costpoint requires a work force, work force project, vendor ID, PLC combination must exist in the Project Vendor Labor Category table (the Assign PLC to Vendor Work Force screen in Costpoint Project Setup).

  • The Costpoint Search binoculars button opens a search dialog box. In this search control you can enter partial or full entries for PLC Code or PLC Name. Partial entry searches return any matches that begin with the search terms entered. The search returns data directly from the Costpoint PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT table.


It is recommended to enter as much information as possible to limit the search results, as many Costpoint users may have a large number of project records to search from.