The Vendor Empl field is an optional field when entering labor information. When processing invoices from subcontractors, you may have to capture which employee worked the labor hours being reported on the expense line.
For the look-up selection to be populated, the Vendor Employee must be set up in the Costpoint Vend_EMPL table as well as the PROJ_VEND_EMPL tables.
The Vendor Employee number may be manually entered and is validated when you press Tab.
Entering the Vendor Empl field can automatically populate the GLC Code and PLC Code fields, depending on certain conditions in Costpoint. See GLC Code and Automatically Populating the PLC Code Field.
If the PLC Code is already populated, then the vendor employee list is filtered further by PLC code.
A project number must be entered before populating this field.
The combination of the Vendor ID from the invoice header and the Vendor Empl must exist in the Vendor Employee table (the Maintain Vendor Employees screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable).
The Costpoint Search binoculars button opens a search dialog box. In this search control you can enter partial or full entries for Vend Empl # or Vendor Name. Partial entry searches return any matches that begin with the search terms entered. The search returns data directly from the Costpoint VEND_EMPL table.
It is recommended to enter as much information as possible to limit the search results, as many Costpoint users may have a large number of project records to search from.