In this queue, the final reviewer (AP processor) validates the data in the invoice and completes or corrects the GL coding if needed. If the invoice is correctly coded and approved, it is submitted to the preprocessor file to load into the Costpoint ERP system.
This queue may be load balanced by AP processor (in other words, the task may be made visible only to the AP processor that is assigned to that task).
The following tasks can be performed in this queue.
Some ad hoc tasks may require entering a Note to explain why you are performing the action. If prompted, enter the relevant information into the Note entry dialog box and click OK to complete the action. You must either complete or cancel the action in the User Interaction pane before you can perform any further actions.
Ad Hoc Task |
Description |
Create Voucher |
After you have confirmed that the invoice is ready to be vouchered in Costpoint, this task moves the document to a processing queue (ITP - Costpoint Legacy Preprocessor Queue if using the preprocessor file, or ITP - Costpoint Direct Import Queue if using the Web Integration Console), where it awaits check information once the invoice has been posted within Costpoint. From there, a timed process picks up the invoice, extracts all of the information collected during the process, and writes it out to a preprocessor file based on PO or Non-PO invoices. If using the preprocessor file, the GL coding data is written to a file that is imported to Costpoint. If using the Web Integration Console, the GL coding records are sent directly to the Costpoint voucher tables. Note:
If an invoice is using the Multicurrency option, the invoice data is grouped in multiple preprocessor files by currency. That means there could be one or more preprocessor files. |
Send to AP Initial Review |
Use this task to return an invoice to the AP Initial Review Queue for any reason (for example, a user may determine that the invoice was incorrectly coded and is not a receiving issue). The invoice is removed from its current queue and moved to the AP Initial Review Queue. |
Send to Supervisor |
A supervisor may be needed in the review process to provide additional oversight. This task removes the invoice from its current queue and moves it to the Supervisor Queue, along with a note to indicate what action the supervisor should take. |
Launch GL Coding |
Use this task to enter GL Coding information for an invoice or to validate whether an invoice has been coded correctly and has passed to the PO review queues correctly. For more details, see Using GL Coding Control. Note:
This task may not be available for all users, depending on Workflow configuration. This task is intended for users who are allowed to edit GL coding data. |
Show GL Coding Data |
Use this task to open a read-only display of the GL Coding information for the invoice. Note:
This task may not be available for all users, depending on Workflow configuration. This task is intended for users who are only allowed to view GL coding data. |