AP Initial Review Queue Ad Hoc Tasks - IAConnect - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external


Foundation 23.1

The following ad hoc task buttons are available in the AP Initial Review Queue. They are located in the Tasks panel. Click the task button to launch each action.


Some ad hoc tasks may require entering a Note to explain why you are performing the action. If prompted, enter the relevant information into the Note entry dialog box and click OK to complete the action. You must either complete or cancel the action in the User Interaction pane before you can perform any further actions.

Ad Hoc Task


This task opens the Indexing control in the User Interaction pane. Use this control to enter invoice information and to enter or review PO line information. When you are done with indexing, you must click either Save or Cancel to exit the Indexing control before you can proceed with any other actions in IAConnect.

For more details on the invoice indexing process, see Indexing Invoices.

You can manually assign additional first-level approvers at any time. The invoice does not move to the Approval queue until it is released for approval.

  1. Select an approver from the Available list and click Add.

  2. To remove an approver from the Assigned list, select the approver's name and click Remove.

  3. Click OK when the list of approvers is complete.


This ad hoc task must be performed after completing the Index Invoice ad hoc task.


This ad hoc task is only supported in the Unity Client. The OnBase Client is not supported for this ad hoc task.

Use this task to assign approvers for the first approval level for the invoice if the invoice does not have a normal approval route. This task should only be used if a designated approval route or approvers do not exist.


This ad hoc task is only supported in the Unity Client. The OnBase Client is not supported for this ad hoc task.

Use this task when you are finished working on an invoice and it is ready to release for approval. When the invoice is released for approval, it moves to the appropriate Approval queue. The system sends the approver an email to alert them that the invoice needs their attention.

If this is a newly indexed invoice, the invoice is automatically sent to the first assigned approver. If this invoice has been re-indexed, any previous approvals are cleared and the approval process begins again. If this invoice had been routed to this queue for any other reason but had completed some level of approvals, it retains those approvals and resumes the approval process where it left off.

The system performs several validations to determine how to route the invoice to the appropriate Approval queue:

  • Required Fields: This validation ensures that all of the mandatory fields are populated: Vendor Name, Vendor ID, Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, and Invoice Date.

  • Duplicate Invoices: If the system detects a duplicate invoice, the invoice is directed to the Rejected Queue instead of one of the Approval queues. A duplicate invoice typically has the same Vendor ID, Vendor Name, Invoice Number, and Invoice Amount as a previously submitted invoice.

  • PO Line Matching: If matching is set in Customer Configuration, then a mismatched PO invoice is directed to one of the Mismatch queues in the Invoice PO Matching life cycle instead of an Approval queue.

  • Pre-Approved: If the Pre-Approved option has been selected during indexing, the invoice document is routed directly to the AP Final Review Queue.

  • Auto Approved: If the invoice meets the criteria configured in Workflow Approval Management for auto approval, it is routed directly to the Final Review Queue.

Send an invoice to another user's queue for additional review. Select the appropriate referral option from the drop-down list:

  • Buyer: Route to the buyer assigned to the PO via the Buyer Queue(PO-based invoices only).

  • Requestor: Route to the initial requestor of the PO via the Requestor Queue(PO-based invoices only).

  • Supervisor: Route to the Supervisor Queue, along with a note to indicate what action the supervisor should take.

  • Vendor Maintenance: Route to the Vendor Maintenance Queue, to prompt another user to set up a new vendor or update an existing vendor's information in the Vendor Master file in Costpoint.

Once the other user has reviewed the invoice, he or she can route it back to the AP Initial Review Queue where it can be fully processed.

At any time during the process, the user may reject an invoice if there is an error on the invoice or if it appears to be a duplicate. (If the system detects a duplicate invoice, it automatically routes it to the Rejected Queue.)

This action removes the invoice from the current queue and places it in the Rejected Queue, where it resides until an administrator deletes it.


If an invoice is rejected by mistake, it is still possible to reprocess the invoice from the Rejected Queue. See Rejected Queue.

Use this task to enter GL Coding information for an invoice or to validate whether an invoice has been coded correctly and has passed to the PO review queues correctly.

For more details on the GL Coding process, see Using GL Coding Control.

Use this task to import GL data from a file. The information in the file is used to automatically create the GL Coding data for the invoice.

A specific file format is required to import GL data correctly. For GL data import file configuration requirements, see Importing GL Data Specifications.

This task displays a log of any error messages received during the process of importing the invoice into IAConnect. For more information, see Using the Import Message Viewer.

If an invoice returns to the AP Initial Review Queue from another part of the process, you can remove all approvals previously performed up to that point to restart the approval process. This task clears all approval information from the invoice.

Attach supporting documents to the invoice being processed. This task opens the Upload dialog box.

  1. Click Browse to locate the document.

  2. Click Upload to complete the task. The imported documents are coupled with the primary invoice and inherit that invoice's keywords.

The supporting documents can be reviewed throughout the Workflow process by clicking on the document located in the Related Items pane.