Configuring Rules - IHE - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

IHE Solutions

Foundation 22.1

Community rules are the means by which document and community metadata are compiled in outgoing IHE messages, as well as how incoming message data is interpreted and saved in OnBase. When a new community is created, rules for it are automatically generated according to IHE standards. In most cases these default system rules do not need to be changed, but if necessary you can create and configure your own rules to account for the specific needs of your community.

To view and configure community rules:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Medical | IHE | Communities. The IHE Communities dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select a community from the list and click the Rules button to display the Community Processing Rules dialog box.

The Community Processing Rules dialog box contains all of the rules configured for the selected community. Rules are identified by the processing type they operate in, and the message attribute they control. In each processing type, there can only be one rule per message attribute.

The listed rules are those belonging to the currently selected processing type. You can use the Processing Type drop-down list to display the rules associated with each type:

  • System: Rules used for storing IHE metadata in internal OnBase tables. System rules cannot be modified, added to, or deleted.

  • Repository: Rules used to parse incoming message data and apply it to stored documents.

  • Source: Rules used to compile document and community data for outgoing messages.

The rules list displays information about each rule in sortable columns:



Attribute Name

The name of the message attribute controlled by the rule. Attribute names are prefixed with the object they belong to.

Encoding Type

The way that the value of the attribute is used in the framework of the containing object.

Rule Type

The type of rule currently applied to the attribute. The various rule types map specific types of data to message attributes.


The allowed optionality and variability of attribute values, represented as a cardinality level. See Cardinality Relationships for more information.

System Generated

Indicates whether the rule was automatically created. Each processing type includes system-generated rules, which display a YES value in this column. These system rules cannot be deleted or modified, because they ensure compliance with IHE standards.


Indicates whether the rule has been disabled. Disabled rules are ignored during processing, and display a Disabled value in this column.

From the Community Processing Rules dialog box, you can select a rule and click the Settings button to view and modify any configurable settings. See Rule Types and Settings for more information.

You also can create your own rules for message attributes not already controlled by existing rules. See Create a New Rule for more information.