The IHE Service Configuration utility is used to write settings to the IHE Service configuration file and install the IHE NT Service. To run IHE Service Configuration:
- Copy the IHE folder from your source installation files to a location on the computer which you want to run the IHE Service. This folder is typically located under ..\Apps\NTServices\.
From the newly copied location, run the application Hyland.Integrations.IHE.ServiceConfiguration.exe, which resides in ..\IHE\Configuration\. The IHE Service Configuration utility is displayed.
- In the IHE Service Config File Path field, enter the full path to the IHE Service configuration file Hyland.Integrations.IHE.NTService.exe.config, which resides in ..\IHE\Service\, or click Browse and navigate to the file.
- See the following sections for information on the settings in each tab: