Installation Tab - IHE - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

IHE Solutions

Foundation 22.1

The Installation tab of the IHE Service Configuration utility is used to install and uninstall the IHE Service once settings on the other tabs have been configured as required. To install the IHE Service:

  1. In the IHE Service Executable field, enter the full path to the IHE Service executable Hyland.Integrations.IHE.NTService.exe, which resides in .\IHE\Service\, or click Browse and navigate to the file.
  2. In the Service Name field, enter a name for the service to be created.

    Starting the name of the service with Hyland is recommended so that it is displayed alongside any other OnBase services in alphabetical lists. For example, Hyland IHE Service.

  3. Select the Install option if it is not already selected.
  4. Click the Run Command button. A confirmation message is displayed, informing you that the service has been successfully created.

    You can also uninstall existing IHE Services. To uninstall the IHE Service:

  5. Enter the name of the installed service in the Service Name field.
  6. Select the Uninstall option.
  7. Click the Run Command button. A confirmation message is displayed, informing you that the service has been successfully deleted.