This setting must be manually added to the INI file.
PatchLeft is an optional setting that can speed the process of identifying and reading patch codes. Patch codes can be used to identify page breaks or to suppress the storage of pages marked with patch codes. Patch code-related options can be chosen during configuration of the Document Imaging Page Separation Options (see the Document Imaging module reference guide for more information).
Measured in hundredths of an inch, the PatchLeft setting identifies the horizontal position of the left edge of patch codes, relative to the left side of the document. For example, to identify a position 1.5 inches from the left side of the document, the PatchLeft value should be set to 150. Any patch codes detected to the right of this position will be ignored.
The PatchLeft setting is respected on the Bar Code Recognition Server in the Awaiting Bar Code Processing queue or at the time of scanning. It is also respected in Kofax scan formats at the time of scanning.
When set to its default value of 0, the PatchLeft setting does not impose any restrictions on patch code detection or retention.