The following steps are necessary to configure image masks:
- Enable Image Masking functionality. See Enabling Image Masking for more information.
- Configure mask styles and the locations and pages of documents of the Document Types on which the masks will appear. See Configuring Image Masks for a Document Type for more information.
The following step is optional when configuring image masks:
Configure images masks to appear only on documents with specific Keyword Values. You might want to use this configuration option when you wish to apply image masks to some, but not all, documents of a particular Document Type. If you wish to apply masks only to packing slips for Office Supply Warehouse but not to packing slips for other vendors, for instance, you can configure the masks to appear on packing slips with the “Office Supply Warehouse” Keyword Value for the Vendor Name Keyword Type. See Configuring Image Masks for a Document Type for more information.
The following steps are optional for allowing certain users to view documents that have been configured with image masks in their unmasked state:
Configure user access to allow certain users to view all documents in their unmasked state. See Configuring User Access for more information.
Configure privilege overrides to allow certain users to view documents of only certain Document Types in their unmasked state. See Configuring Privilege Overrides for more information.
Configure masking overrides for certain Statement Types to allow users to render Image Statements with different masking settings than they have privileges for. This is only an option when using the Image Masking module in conjunction with the Image Statements module. See Security Considerations and the Image Statements documentation for more information.
Depending on the settings for privileges and overrides, certain users may be able to view documents in their unmasked state. To change these settings, see Configuring User Access and Configuring Privilege Overrides. For more information on additional security considerations, see Security Considerations and Other Considerations.
Image Masking does not require any additional procedures in the Client module. Documents will appear in their masked or unmasked state depending on configuration. For more information on standard Client functionality, see the Client module documentation.