Configuring Image Masks for a Document Type - Image Masking - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Image Masking

Image Masking
Foundation 24.1

To configure image masks for a specific Document Type:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Types. The Document Types dialog box is displayed.
  2. From the Document Type list, select the desired Document Type.

    To filter the Document Type list according to Document Type Group, select the desired Document Type Group from the Document Type Group drop-down list.

  3. Click Image Masking. The Image Masks dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click Add. The Mask Settings dialog box displays.
  5. From the Style drop-down menu, select a style for the image masks.
  6. In the Location section, enter numeric values in each of the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom fields. These values represent the boundaries of the image mask, measured in pixels from the upper-left corner of the document. The following is an example:

    Start by setting large differences between the Left and Right values and between the Top and Bottom values to ensure that the image masks will be visible on the document. Then reduce the differences as necessary. Starting with small differences may make the masks difficult to see.

  7. In the Location section, in the Page field, enter the page number of the documents on which the image masks will appear.
  8. If you wish to restrict the image masks to appear only on documents configured with certain values for a Keyword Type, select that Keyword Type from the Keyword drop-down menu and select one of the following options:
    • Specific Value: Image masks will appear only on documents with a specific value for the designated Keyword Type. You must enter this value in the text field below the Keyword drop-down menu.

    • Any Value: Image masks will appear on documents that have any value for the designated Keyword Type.

    • No Value: Image masks will appear on documents that have no value for the designated Keyword Type.

  9. Once you have configured all required and optional masking settings, click OK.

    The following is an example of fully-configured masking settings:

  10. If you wish to configure additional masks for the currently selected Document Type, repeat steps 4 to 9. When finished, click Close to close the Image Masks dialog box.
  11. If you wish to configure image masks for additional Document Types, repeat steps 2 to 10. When finished, click Close to close the Image Masking dialog box.