Configuring Image Mask Overrides for a Statement Type - Image Statements - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Image Statements

Image Statements
Foundation 22.1

If you are using the Image Masking module in conjunction with the Image Statements module, and you have configured image masks for Document Types that users will render Image Statements with, you have the option of overriding the masking privileges for a particular Statement Type. Configuring a Statement Type override will allow all users to render statements of that Statement Type either with masks or without masks, regardless of privileges. These override settings will apply to both distributed and archived statements.


Currently, Statement Type overrides only have proper functionality for the Check Image and Deposit Document Types.

To configure a Statement Type override:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Printing | Statement Types. The Statement Type dialog box displays.
  2. Select a Statement Type and click Settings. The Statement Type settings <Statement Type Name> dialog box appears.
  3. In the General Settings section, select Override Image Masking User Group Privileges.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • If you would like to allow all users, regardless of privileges, to render statements of this Statement Type with masked images, select Use Masking.

    • If you would like to allow all users, regardless of privileges, to render statements of this Statement Type with unmasked images, select Do Not Use Masking.

  5. Click Save.