Specify the match style for the Statement Type. The match style determines what criteria is used to match the primary Document Type with the secondary Document Types.
If you are using redactions with primary documents, you must use the Standard or Format File match styles. If you are using redactions with the secondary documents, you may use any match style.
Match Style |
Description |
Standard |
Prints all documents that match the Keyword Type criteria specified for secondary documents. Performs no validation of the documents based on match criteria. |
Match File |
Stores match criteria in a text file outside of OnBase that is used to verify totals of primary and secondary files. Match files are used to link primary and secondary documents for each rendered batch. Only those documents that match a line in the match file are printed when the statement is rendered. Match files enhance performance, but must be associated with specific ranges of batches (outside of the Statement Type configuration), and updated as new batches are brought into the system. For more information on what the match file contains and how it can be used, see Match File Specification. |
Format File |
Stores match criteria for a variety of Statement Types. Match criteria for primary and secondary Document Types are stored in the format file. A Keyword Value stored on the primary Document Type determines the Statement Type used for printing. This varies for each statement rendered. This technique affords flexibility in print formats for a variety of secondary Document Types. The format file is an independently-generated file from third-party software. The path to this file must be specified in the Statement Type configuration. For more information on what the format file contains and how it can be used, see Format File Specification. |
Embedded Match |
Stores match criteria in the footer of each primary document. You do not need to configure a file path for the Statement Type or make a file association at the batch level. The Embedded Match match style is similar to the Kirchman ATE match style but contains a different match criteria format. |
Kirchman ATE |
Stores match criteria in the header of each primary document. You do not need to configure a file path for the Statement Type or make a file association at the batch level. The Kirchman ATE match style performs matching similar to the Embedded Match match style but contains a different match criteria format. |
Dynamic Documents |
Stores match criteria in the header of each primary document. You do not need to configure a file path for the Statement Type or make a file association at the batch level. The Dynamic Documents match style is used only with primary Document Types that contain specific stylized formatting information produced by the Statement Composition module. The object definition file within the Statement Composition module is used to configure the matching fields for the processed host data. |
Match Primary |
Allows the Image Statements module to render secondary documents directly from a match file. The rendered output can be saved as a single PDF document in a specified location along with a companion XML file. |