Associating the match file with a batch of statements - Image Statements - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Image Statements

Image Statements
Foundation 22.1

You can manually associate a match file to a batch of statements or you can configure a match file association at the processor level.

To configure this at the processor level, it can be configured in the Process Paths Configuration dialog box in the Match File Name setting for the following modules: AFP, COLD, DJDE, PCL, or PDF Input Filter. See the processor module documentation for more information.

To manually associate the match file with a batch of statements:

  1. Open the COLD queue and find the batch of statements to be rendered. Select the batch containing the statements and select Associate Match File at the right-click menu.
    The Select Match File dialog box is displayed.
  2. Use the Select Match File dialog box to browse to the location of the match file for this batch of statements. Either double-click the match file in the list box, or select it in the list box and click Open. This will create the association between this file and the batch of statement documents.
  3. When this association is made, the match file is stored into the SYS Import Match Files Document Type. Since the match file is now a document in OnBase, it will always be available if you ever need to reprint statements from a particular batch. This dialog box is an Explorer window that allows you to locate the match file for this batch of statements. Double-click the file in the list or select File | Open at the menu bar. The file you selected will be archived into OnBase as a document of the SYS Import Match Files Document Type, belonging to the batch of statements you selected.

    A new Match File must be generated for each batch of statements produced, and associated with that batch before image statements can be generated. This is because the match file holds information to link the documents expected for the statement to a unique set of documents stored in the system.


    Should you ever associate the wrong match file with a batch, you can correct this by deleting the old match file and then associate the new match file by repeating the method described above. The old match file must be purged through Document Maintenance before the new file can be associated with the batch.

    You can view the match file associated with a batch by right-clicking on the batch and selecting Match File | View Match File.

    You can also run a Match File Exception Report for a batch to identify missing documents that will make a statement crippled. To run a match file exception report:

  4. Right-click on the batch for which you want to run a report and select Match File | Generate Match File Exception Report. The Match File Exception Report dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select the Statement Type with which you want to generate the exception report. The statement type selected must use a Match File or Dynamic Documents match style.
  6. Specify a date range.
  7. Click Generate. The match file report is displayed.

The Match File Exception Report is stored in the SYS Exception Reports Document Type for retrieval.