Format File Specification - Image Statements - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Image Statements

Image Statements
Foundation 22.1

A format file is a text file created in a third-party application, which is used to instruct OnBase to change the printing format for each primary document found in a statement. For example, a format file could be used to generate different banking statement types for each account number. Format files can also be used to suppress the printing of secondary documents.

A format file can only be used when the common Keyword Value shared by the primary and secondary documents is of the Numeric (Up to 20 digits) Keyword Type. When a common Keyword Value is matched, a format number in the format file defines which statement type configuration to use to render the statement.

The format number corresponds to the alias established for a statement type that is configured, when a document with the account number Keyword Value of the Acct # Keyword Type is found, to print the statement using the statement type with that alias.


The value located in the file as the Acct # must correspond to the keyword used as the account number for the statement, and must be assigned keyword number 51 when the keyword was configured for the associated Document Type.

The print flag, if it has a value, tells OnBase not to print the statement. To print the statement, the print flag must be blank or set to 0. If no statement type is found with an alias of the format number, the default print format of the statement type will be used. In the event that the default format has not been configured correctly, the system's default print format will be used.

The format file will exist once for a statement type, being altered to include new accounts as time passes. Each line in the format file contains the information to print one keyword value or account. Specific columns in each line are interpreted for specific information used to determine how to print the statement, as indicated below.