Assigning Enclosures and Reconciliation Items by Institution - Image Statements - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Image Statements

Image Statements
Foundation 23.1

You can assign the enclosures and reconciliation items for a statement type by Institution for institutional databases.

Statement enclosures allow for informational pages to be included with the statement (marketing information, newsletter, etc.). To make a page available as an enclosure, it must be imported into the SYS Overlay Images Document Type. Although this is an overlay Document Type, it is not standard overlays that are used as an additional layer over a document.

Customized information (reconciliation page) can also be printed on the back side of the first page.

To assign enclosures and reconciliations items to a statement type by Institution:

  1. Select Printing | Enclosures / Reconciliation Items. The Enclosures / Reconciliation Items dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the Institution for which you want to make the assignment.
  3. Select the Statement Type for which you want to make assignments from the drop-down list.
  4. If appropriate, select the correct Reconciliation Item from the drop-down list.
  5. If appropriate, select the correct enclosure(s) from the Available Enclosures box and click Add>>.
  6. You can configure another statement type by repeating steps 3-5 for the same Institution.
  7. You can configure assignments for a different Institution by repeating steps 2-7
  8. Click Close when finished.