Relation - Image Statements - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Image Statements

Image Statements
Foundation 23.1

Selecting Relation on the Secondary Document Type dialog box will display the Common Keyword Types dialog box.

This dialog box is used to define the common keyword criteria that must be met in order for a secondary document to be used in the rendering process. Only keywords that are common between the primary and secondary documents will display. Standard match style is dependent upon the repeat keyword. Other matching styles (e.g., format file, match file, or embedded match file) use repeat keyword as a backup to their matching style formats.

To add a Keyword Type to the list box, select the Keyword Type in the drop-down list below the list box and click the Add>> button. If you wish to remove one of the keywords from the list box, select the Keyword in the list box and click <<Remove.


If a standard match style was configured for the statement type, the common keyword criteria is the only criteria used for considering a match between the primary and secondary documents.

It is also important to always set a repeat value for any keyword on the primary Document Type that may have multiple values. To do so, highlight that keyword and select the Repeat Keyword button. The Repeat Keyword dialog box is displayed.

If multiple values for this Keyword Type appear on the primary document, each keyword value will be taken individually with the rest of the common Keyword Types when OnBase looks for secondary documents. The Repeat Keyword Type drop-down list will only show those Keywords that have been selected as common on the Common Keyword Types dialog box. Even if you do not anticipate multiple values appearing for one of the Keyword Types, you should always configure one of the common keywords as the repeat Keyword Type to ensure OnBase finds the documents correctly.

If a selected Keyword Type configured in the Common Keyword Types dialog box has multiple values for a Keyword Type on a primary document, a secondary document is matched based on if the secondary document has one of the values. All of the values on the primary document do not need to be present on a secondary document to be a match.