Legacy License Functionality - Image Statements - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Image Statements

Image Statements
Foundation 23.1

Beginning in OnBase Foundation EP5, new customers must use simplified licensing to access Image Statements functionality. Existing customers upgrading from a version of OnBase prior to OnBase Foundation EP5 can continue to use legacy licensing to access this functionality.

The following is an explanation of what functionality is enabled through each legacy license or legacy license combination. For general information on licensing, including information on simplified and legacy licensing, see Licensing.

Client License (Workstation License)

A Workstation Client or Concurrent Client license (with no Image Statement or Document Distribution licensing) allows for “Render Statement” functionality (accessed via the document right-click menu or File menu, however, the configuration of Image Statements is restricted to Primary Documents only. Rendering is restricted to print only.

Document Distribution (Workstation License)

The Document Distribution license (without Image Statement license) allows for “Render Statement” (displayed at the Client right-click menu on an open document and at the Client File menu) of primary only statements. Image Statement configuration exposed for primary documents only (secondary documents cannot be defined). All distribution options for the rendered statement are accessible.

(Institution License)

The Image Statements license provides for the ability to render (primary and secondary) individual statements and batch render (primary & secondary) statements, and allows for Statement Type configuration.

and Document Distribution (Institutional Licenses)

The Image Statements license (with a Document Distribution license) allows for “Render Statement” (displayed at the Client right-click menu on an open document and at the Client File menu) of primary and secondary statements, as well as batch rendering (“Render Statement” displayed at the right-click menu at the batch level) of primary and secondary statements. The distribution of rendered statements using a variety of distribution methods (defined in the Distribution Process) can also be used.