Configuring Statement Types for Institutions - Institutional Databases - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Institutional Databases

Institutional Databases
Foundation 23.1

If Image Statements have been configured to archive the rendered statement into OnBase, the disk group that the statement is archived into can be controlled on an institutional basis. This functionality is available at the Statement Type Settings dialog box. To configure the Archived Statement Disk Group on an institutional basis in Configuration:

  1. Select Printing | Statement Types. The Statement Type dialog box is displayed.
  2. Highlight the statement type to be configured and select Settings. The Statement Type settings dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enable the Archive Statement into System option.
  4. Choose the document type you want the printed statement to be stored as from the Archived Statement Document Type drop-down list.
  5. If you want all printed statements to be stored in the same disk group, select the disk group from the Archived Statement Disk Group drop-down list.

    The selection made at this drop-down will be the default disk group for all archived statements. This disk group will be used, unless more specific disk group assignments have been made via the Configure by Institution button.

  6. Click the Configure by Institution button to configure individual disk groups per institution. The Institution Disk Group Settings dialog box is displayed.
  7. Type the institution number in the Institution prompt box and click Add Institution.
  8. Select the newly created institution number just created and select a disk group at the Disk Group drop-down select list. All rendered statements with documents belonging to that institution will be archived into the selected disk group.
  9. Select Apply to retain the settings, then select Close. The Institution Disk Group Settings dialog box is closed.
  10. In the Statement Type settings dialog box, click Save to store the settings. The dialog box is closed.

All remaining settings are configured in the same manner for both an institutional database, and a standard database.