Configuring Workflow for Use with Institutions - Institutional Databases - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Institutional Databases

Institutional Databases
Foundation 23.1

Queues, actions, and rules can be configured to respect Institutional settings. If you want Institutions to be respected in Workflow, each life cycle and queue for which you want to respect Institutions must have the Institutional check box selected. When selected, Institutions will be respected for the queue, action, or rule. For information on configuring Workflow, see the Workflow module reference guide.

If the Institutional check box is checked at the life cycle level, the Institutional check box for each queue contained within the life cycle becomes selected and read-only. If the Institutional check box is unchecked, the Institutional check box in each queue within the life cycle is not selected and is writable.


If the Institutional check box is not enabled for a queue, items within that queue will be visible in the Workflow Inbox.

When using a Load Balanced queue in the Client, selecting See Other User's Documents displays only those users whom are part of the current user's institution in the View Other User's Documents dialog box. It should also allow users the see the <ALL> and <UNASSIGNED> options. <ALL> should display all documents in the queue that are associated with the current user's institution. <UNASSIGNED> should display all documents in the queue that are not assigned and are associated with the current user's institution. Super users will have access to all users' documents.