To configure the AeCaller.js file to work with the required Cityworks layout and the appropriate OnBase Document Types and Keyword Types:
- Open the AeCaller.js file in a text editor such as Notepad.
- Find or add an if statement for the QueryType that is sent from the button on the Layout Manager XML. For example: if(QueryType == 'WorkOrderQuery')
Edit the if statement code section to use the appropriate Document Type IDs, Document Type Names, Keyword Type IDs, and Keyword Type Names for your solution. For example:
scrapeURIXML += '<DOCTYPE id="MyDocTypeID" name="MyDocTypeName" />';
scrapeURIXML += '<KEYWORD id="MyKWID" name="MyKWName" value="';
Save and close the AeCaller.js file.
It is considered a best practice to maintain backups of this file for use in future upgrades.
- Create a folder named OnBase in the WebSite folder of your Cityworks directory. For example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cityworks\WebSite\xml\Default.
- Copy the modified AECaller.js file and paste it into the OnBase folder.