Configuring the Integration for Azteca Cityworks Server to use Respond - Intagration for Cityworks - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Cityworks Server

Intagration for Cityworks
Foundation 23.1

If you intend to use the Integration for Azteca Cityworks Server in Respond, you need to:

  • Acquire the typescript file necessary to configure the View and Import Documents features. This file can be acquired from your solutions provider.
  • Configure the widgets needed to display the View and Import Documents buttons in the Respond app.

To configure the widgets:

  1. Access the Cityworks Style screen by clicking the Style app from one of the following locations:
    • User drop-down list
    • My Apps icon from the Respond mode

    The Cityworks Style screen is displayed.

  2. Make the following selections from the following fields in the Profile section:
    • Plugin: Respond
    • Profile: Select the profile where you want to display the widget. In this example, we are using the Complete profile.
    • Layout: The name of the layout to which you want to add a widget. Be sure to select the layout with "edit" at the end of it. For example, Work Order Edit.
      Ulitmately, the layouts where widgets are allowed is controlled by Cityworks. Typically, the OnBase integration widgets may be placed in the following layouts:
      • Cityworks AMS screens: Work Order Edit, Service Request Edit, Inspection Edit.
      • Cityworks PLL screens: Case Object - Detail
  3. Scroll down to the Control Details section, and select Insert Widget.
    A widget is inserted at the bottom of the Controls section.
  4. Double-click the new widget. The widget configuration screen is displayed.
  5. From the Widget Type drop-down list, select Link.
  6. In the Widget Name field, enter a name for the widget.
  7. In the Typescript section, copy and paste the typescript provided by your solution provider.
  8. In the CSS section, copy and paste the css provided by your solution provider.
  9. Click Save, then Close. The button is added to the list of controls for the layout you selected.