Locate the Hyland Electronic Integration Service Database Configuration Tool package within your solution files. For instance, hyland-eSign-config 0.1.0-alpha0489
The latest version of the Hyland-eSignature-Config configuration tool is available on Community at https://community.hyland.com/customer-portal/5097/downloads
- Extract the package to a local directory.
- Open the hyland.esignatureservice.configuration.appsettings.json file using a text editor such as Notepad.
Modify the DataSource, DataProvider, and ConnectionString fields so that they contain connection information for your database. If your solution uses a single OnBase database, it is recommended to use the same connection string for maintenance purposes.
You can only enter the information for a single database. Multiple tenants are not supported.
- Save and close the hyland.esignatureservice.configuration.appsettings.json file.
- Open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
- Within the command prompt, navigate to the location of the directory where you extracted the Hyland Electronic Integration Service Database Configuration Tool package.
Run the following command:
dotnet Hyland.ESignatureService.Configuration.dll
- Close the command prompt.