Cannot Connect to a Data Source - Integration for Adobe Sign - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Adobe Sign

Integration for Adobe Sign
Foundation 23.1

Issue: The Integration for Adobe Sign is unable to connect to a data source. In addition, an error message similar to the following may be displayed:

Invalid or missing required tenant information ElectronicSignatureService:TenantList settings for the database.

Resolution: Ensure that the connection information in the 5_esignature.json file has been properly configured (stored in the ElectronicSignatureService | TenantList section). This information must match the database connection used by Workflow. You should also check to make sure that all backslash characters are escaped properly to account for JSON file formatting. For example, to configure a data source of MyDB\SQLInstance, you would need to enter Data Source=MyDB\\SQLInstance.