Map Document Type and Keyword Type Objects to TEM Objects - Integration for Banner Travel and Expense Management - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Integration for Banner Travel and Expense Management

Integration for Banner Travel and Expense Management
Foundation 22.1

The Document Type and Keyword Types created in OnBase for use with Integration for Banner TEM must be mapped to the corresponding objects in the TEM application. This mapping is accomplished in the OnBase Configuration module.

  1. Launch the Configuration module.
  2. Select External Systems from the Utils menu. The External System Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select Ellucian in the External System Names pane.
  4. Click the Document Types button. The External System Document Type Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select TEM Attachment in the Available Document Types pane.

    This Document Type should have been previously configured. If a Document Type named TEM Attachment is not available, locate the Document Type that was created for use specifically with the Integration for Banner TEM. See Document Type Configuration.

  6. Click Add. The TEM Attachment Document Type is added to the Selected Document Types list.
  7. With the TEM Attachment Document Type selected in the Selected Document Types list, click the Map Value button. The External System Value Mapping dialog box is displayed.
  8. Enter TEM Attachment in the External System Value field.

    TEM Attachment is a predefined name in the TEM application. It must be entered exactly in the External System Value field.

  9. Click Save.
  10. At the External System Document Type Configuration dialog box, make sure the Document Type created for Integration for Banner TEM is selected in the Selected Document Types list (e.g., TEM Attachment).
  11. Click the Keyword Types button. The External System Keyword Type Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  12. Perform the lettered steps below for each Keyword Type listed in the following table.

    OnBase Keyword Type (using suggested names)

    Required External System Value

    TEM Activity Date


    TEM Create Origin


    TEM Create User


    TEM Date Origin


    TEM Document Name


    TEM Document Type


    TEM Expense Owner First Name


    TEM Expense Owner ID


    TEM Expense Owner Last Name


    TEM Expense Owner PIDM


    TEM Imaging Enabled


    TEM Last Modified By


    TEM Portfolio ID


    TEM Transaction Date


    TEM Travel Document ID


    TEM Travel Document Type


    1. Select the Keyword Type in the Available Keyword Types list.

      The Keyword Types should have been previously configured. If a Keyword Type listed in the table is not available, locate the Keyword Type that was created for use specifically with Integration for Banner TEM to hold the corresponding external system value. See Keyword Type Configuration.

    2. Click Add. The selected Keyword Type is added to the Selected Keyword Types list.
    3. With the Keyword Type selected in the Selected Keyword Types list, click Map Value. The External System Value Mapping dialog box is displayed.
    4. Enter the corresponding External System Value for that Keyword Type in the External System Value field, using the correspondences presented in the table above. For example:

      The External System Values are predefined names in the TEM application. They must be entered exactly in the External System Value field.

    5. Click Save. Repeat the lettered steps for each Keyword Type in the table above.
  13. After mapping all the Keyword Types, at the External System Keyword Type Configuration dialog box click Save.
  14. Close the External System Document Type Configuration dialog box.
  15. Close the External System Configuration dialog box.