The TEM application communicates with OnBase using methods in the Hyland.Integrations.Ellucian.jar file, which forwards the service requests to the OnBase Application Server. Responses from OnBase are passed back to the TEM application using the Hyland.Integrations.Ellucian.jar file and must be handled appropriately by the TEM application.
The service requests and methods used are presented in the following table. Details of each request/method are described in the sections after the table. This information is especially useful when troubleshooting the integration. The requests made and methods used are displayed under the Services and Web Services tabs in the OnBase Diagnostics Console and can be verified using the information in this section.
Errors encountered by the Application Server are written to the Errors tab of the Diagnostics Console. Errors encountered by the JAR file should be handled and logged by the TEM application. For details on error logging by the TEM application, see the help files provided by Ellucian. For details on using the Diagnostics Console, see the Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console module reference guide.
Request (Application Server) |
Calling Method (Hyland.Integrations.Ellucian.jar) |
FindAttachments |
findAttachmentsInDocumentImagingSystem |
DeleteAttachment |
deleteAttachmentFromDocumentImagingSystem |
DeleteAttachments |
deleteAttachmentsFromDocumentImagingSystem |
GetAttachment |
getAttachmentFromDocumentImagingSystem |
UploadAttachment |
uploadAttachmentToDocumentImagingSystem |
UploadPageData |
uploadAttachmentToDocumentImagingSystem |