The following information should be considered when upgrading your fax integration. Read this information prior to upgrading your fax integration.
- Upgrading from Version 13.0.0
When upgrading your fax integration from version 13.0.0 to a newer version of the integration, the existing configuration for the integration is preserved. This includes the configurations for Rules, Archival settings, fax Keywords, and users and User Group permissions. If you change the installation location of the fax integration service during the upgrade, the existing configuration is not copied to the new location. However, the config.xml file can be copied from the previous location to the new location in order to preserve the configuration after the upgrade. In a default installation, the config.xml file is located at C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Fax Connector\.
The configuration for versions of the integration prior to 13.0.0 is not preserved through an upgrade. To preserve the configuration for versions prior to 13.0.0, you must export the configuration before the upgrade then import the exported configuration into the upgraded installation. See Importing and Exporting Configurations in the Configuration chapters of the current manual (for importing) and the version of the manual you are upgrading from (for exporting).
If you are upgrading from a version prior to 11.0.0, you must contact your first line of support to assist with the import of your configuration from the earlier version of the integration. Exported configurations from versions prior to 11.0.0 must be converted before attempting to import them into the upgraded system.
If the database connection for the Fax Connector Configuration client is changed with the upgrade, Keyword mappings are not preserved. If this has occurred during the upgrade, Invalid Keyword Mapping is displayed next to each Keyword and the Keywords must be remapped.
- Re-Entering Passwords
Due to security enhancements made in version 18, the OnBase and fax server passwords saved in the configuration XML file for previous versions are deleted when upgrading. After upgrading to OnBase Foundation 22.1, you must re-enter the passwords for OnBase and your fax server in the Fax Connector Service Configuration utility. These Password fields are located in the Settings area of the utility, within the Document Management System Settings section and the Fax Server Connection section. After re-entering the passwords, click Save Configuration on the Home ribbon to save the configuration.