Scan Queue Configuration for Custom Processing - Integration for Brainware Deployment Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Brainware Deployment Guide

Integration for Brainware Deployment Guide
Foundation 22.1

In order for a scan queue to export documents to and import data from Brainware using a custom process, the scan queue must be configured to allow custom processing. Documents brought into that scan queue pass into the Awaiting Custom Process batch status queue prior to moving into the Awaiting Commit batch status queue.

In order to view this batch status queue or perform work on documents residing in this queue, a workstation must be running the OnBase Client with the -SCANAUTOCUSTOMPROCESS command line switch.

Batches do not leave the Awaiting Custom Process queue until the processing workstation has finished running the custom process(es) configured to run on that queue. The custom process for the Integration for Brainware is not complete until XML data files for each document in the batch are placed in the corresponding export directory.


When batches undergo custom processing in the OnBase Client, a System Verification Report containing processing information is generated. If a custom process fails, a new Verification Report is generated for up to three failures and then one final time for a successful completion of the process.


It is considered a best practice that custom processing be performed only on dedicated processing workstations, not on user workstations.

To configure a standard scan queue to route documents to Brainware, you must configure that scan queue to allow custom processing. For a standard scan queue, configuration of the scan queue for the Integration for Brainware is performed in the OnBase Configuration module.

Scan queues configured using the Capture Process Designer can also be configured to use custom processing to route documents to Brainware.


When using the Custom Processing status step to route documents to your Brainware solution, ensure that the status step is being polled by no more than one OnBase Client running as a service. If more than one service polls the status step, the documents may be duplicated when they are routed to your Brainware solution.

To configure a scan queue to use custom processing using the Capture Process Designer, complete the following steps and then proceed to Scan Queue Configuration for a Custom Capture Process.

To configure a scan queue to route documents to your Brainware solution using a custom process:

  1. In the OnBase Configuration module, click Import | Scan Queues. The Scan Queue Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the scan queue that is to be configured for use with your Brainware solution and click Process Options. The Assign Process Options for <Scan Queue Name> dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the Custom Processing tab.
  4. From the Custom Processing tab, select Perform Custom Processing.
  5. Select Export/Update with Brainware Intelligent Capture from the Process Type drop-down list.

    Depending on the other modules your system is licensed to use, options other than those discussed here may be listed in the drop-down list.

  6. Enter a name for this process in the Process Name field and click Add. The newly-configured process is added to the Custom Process Operations list.
  7. The Exchange Batch with Brainware - <Process Name> dialog box is displayed.

    The Exchange Batch with Brainware - <Process Name> dialog box contains the options necessary to configure the Export/Update with Brainware Intelligent Capture process.

  8. Enter a shared UNC path into the Input folder for Brainware: field, or click Browse to navigate to the directory. This UNC path is the directory to which OnBase will export documents and from which your Brainware solution will import documents.
  9. Enter a shared UNC path into the Output folder from Brainware: field, or click Browse to navigate to the directory. This UNC path is the directory to which your Brainware solution will export XML files and from which your OnBase solution will import data.
  10. You may enter a value into the Client Code field. If you do, that value will be passed to the Brainware solution and associated with documents that are imported using this scan queue. If this field is left blank, a value of 0 will be passed to the Brainware solution.

    The Client Code is a value that is used by your Brainware solution. Entering a Client Code in the Exchange Batch with Brainware - <Process Name> dialog box will not impact the documents in OnBase.

    To set the Client Code to a Keyword Value present on an document being processed by your Brainware solution, set the Client Code to @<Keyword Type ID>, where <Keyword Type ID> is the Keyword Type ID number for the corresponding Keyword Type. If the corresponding Keyword Type is not associated with the document being processed, or if the Keyword Type is not populated by a Keyword Value, the Client Code will be set to 0.

  11. To update the Document Dates of documents sent to your Brainware solution with the InvoiceDate assigned by a Brainware for Invoices solution or the IssueDate assigned by a Brainware for Transcripts solution, select Set document date to InvoiceDate/IssueDate.
  12. To update the Document Types of documents sent to your Brainware solution with values assigned by your Brainware solution, select Update document type during reconciliation. Note the following:
    • If this option is selected, the Prefer DocClass over DocumentType when both specified option becomes available.

    • If this option is selected, the OnBase Document Type assigned will be updated to match either the DocumentType or the DocClass assigned by your Brainware solution.

      • If this option is selected, but your Brainware solution does not identify a DocumentType or DocClass for an document, the OnBase Document Type will not be updated for that document.

      • If this option is selected, but Prefer DocClass over DocumentType when both specified is not selected, the identified DocClass will only be assigned to documents to which a DocumentType has not already been assigned.

      • If this option is selected, and Prefer DocClass over Document Type when both specified is also selected, the identified DocClass will be assigned to the document, even if a DocumentType has already been assigned.

  13. To have the Brainware XML files imported into OnBase after Brainware processing is complete, select Archive XML data as rendition. The XML file associated with each document will be imported into OnBase as a rendition of the corresponding Document Type.

    In order for a Brainware XML file to be imported into OnBase as a rendition, the corresponding Document Type must be renditionable and configured to allow multiple renditions. For more information on importing renditions, see the System Administration module reference guide.

  14. Select the scan queue to which the batch will be routed from the Move completed batches to scan queue: drop-down list. Alternatively, select <Remain in current queue/transition to next step> to transition the batch to the next step within the current scan queue.
  15. Click Save.