Serialization Types control how data is serialized and sent to Content Composer, such as which Keyword Types or WorkView Attributes are included in the data model. To configure a Serialization Type, follow these steps:
- From the Generate Content Composer Bundle Workflow action, click the Serialization tab.
- Click Create New Serialization Type. The Serialization Type Details dialog is displayed.
Enter the following values for your Serialization Types:
Name: Enter the name of the Serialization Type. The specified name will be used to display the Serialization Type within OnBase Studio.
XML Compatible Name (follows XML validation rules): Enter the XML-compatible name for the Serialization Type. This name cannot be identical to an existing XML Compatible Name used by another Serialization Type.
Target namespace for serialization types: Enter the namespace for the new Serialization Type.
- Click Next. Select an OnBase Object Type. This is the type of OnBase object used to generate the serialized data.
Click Next. Depending on the OnBase Object Type you have selected, you may be required to specify additional information. See the appropriate subsection for the operation you selected to continue configuration:
Document - see Document.
EForm - see EForm.
Unity Form - see Unity Form.
WorkView - see WorkView.