Hyland ACC Document Import Service Installation - Integration for Courtview - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for CourtView

Integration for Courtview
Foundation 22.1

The Hyland Application Client Connector (ACC) Document Import Service must be installed to allow documents created outside of OnBase to be archived in the OnBase document repository. This service is installed using the Hyland ACC Document Import Service.msi. This file is typically located in the \install\x64\ACC Document Import Service\ folder of your source installation files.


This Hyland ACC Document Import Service installer must run on the OnBase Application Server.

  1. Launch the installer file. The welcome page is displayed.
  2. Click Next. The End User License Agreement(EULA) page is displayed.
  3. After reading the EULA, select I accept the terms in the License Agreement and click Next. The Destination Folder page is displayed.
  4. Enter the location to install the ACC Document Import Service files. The default location is C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\ACC Document Import\. To change this location, click Change. The Change destination folder page is displayed.

    Select the new location from the Look in drop-down list then click OK.

  5. After entering the Destination Folder, click Next. The Data Source page is displayed.
  6. Select or enter the data source to use with Integration for CourtView from the Data Source drop-down list. This list is populated with all the data sources for which you have created connections.
  7. Click Next. The NT Service User Account page is displayed.
  8. If you would like to specify a domain account under which to run the installed services, select Specify domain account to run NT Services. If you do not specify a service account, all installed services run under the Local System account.
    • In the User name field, enter the domain and user name to use to run the installed services. This must be entered in the domain\username format.

    • In the Password field, enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided.

    • In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided. This is used to ensure that the password is typed correctly.


    The domain account specified must have sufficient privileges under the domain to install and run services. Contact your first line of support to ensure that the domain account specified has the required privileges. These privileges are set within the domain and in most cases the Log on as a service privilege is all that is required.

  9. Click Next. The OnBase Service Account page is displayed. This is the account within OnBase configured to run the installed services in OnBase.
    • In the User Name field, enter the OnBase service account user name to use when accessing the data source selected on the Data Source dialog. This user account must be configured as a Service Account in OnBase(see the Configuration module help files for information on creating a Service Account).

    • In the Password field, enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided.

    • In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided. This is used to ensure that the password is typed correctly.

  10. Click Next. The Ready to install page is displayed.
  11. Click Install to install the integration, or click Back to return to the previous pages and make changes.
    When the installation is complete, the Completed step is displayed.
  12. Depending on whether you want to configure data source connection strings at this point, do one of the following:
    • Click Finish to close the installer without configuring connection strings. You will still need to configure connection strings in the Hyland ACC Document Import Service .config file before the service will function correctly.

    • Select the Launch Web Application Management Console option and click Finish. The connection strings dialog box from Web Application Management Console is displayed.

    The connection strings dialog box allows you to configure connection strings.

  13. To encrypt all connection strings configured in the application's .config file, ensure the Options | Encrypt Connection Strings menu option is selected. This option is automatically selected by default every time you open the connection strings dialog box, and the connection strings are encrypted when the .config file is saved.

    It is strongly recommended to encrypt the connection strings. If they are not encrypted, all data source connection information is visible in the .config file and could expose sensitive data, including any entered database user names and passwords.

  14. Click Add to start creating a new connection string. The fields on the right become available for interaction.
  15. If you are configuring Reporting Dashboards with a secondary connection string with a read-only database user account, select Options | Populate Read-Only User. This optional feature populates the User ID and Password fields with the credentials for the read-only user. See the Reporting Dashboards documentation for more information.
    If you are creating a connection string for any other purpose, skip this step.
  16. In the fields on the right, enter the following information about the data source:



    Data Source Name

    A unique name that you create to identify the connection string.


    This identifying name may be different from the name of the actual database.

    Data Provider

    The data provider type used for the database. Select one of the following:

    • System.Data.SqlClient: Select this for a SQL Server database.

    • Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client: Select this for an Oracle database.


    Only SQL Server and Oracle data providers can be used to connect to the OnBase database.

  17. Depending on your selection for Data Provider in the previous step, enter the following database connection information:
    • If System.Data.SqlClient is selected (for a SQL Server database):

      System.Data.SqlClient Option


      Data Source

      Enter the server\instance name of the SQL Server instance hosting the database.


      Enter the name of the SQL Server database.

    • If Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client is selected (for an Oracle database):

      Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client Option


      TNS Connection String

      Select this option to enter a full TNS connection string to connect to the Oracle database. Deselect the option to use the connection name instead.


      Selecting this option enables the Host, Database, Protocol, and Port fields for interaction.

      Data Source

      Enter the TNS name or connect descriptor of the Oracle database.


      This field is available only if the TNS Connection String option is deselected.


      Enter the host address of the Oracle database.


      Enter the name of the Oracle database.


      Select the protocol to use for connecting to the Oracle database. Options are:

      • TCP

      • TCPS


      Enter the port to use for connecting to the Oracle database.

  18. Enter the following security information:



    Integrated Security

    Select this option to use Windows Authentication to connect to the database.


    It is strongly recommended to use integrated security instead of a database account for authentication. To use integrated security, the Windows user connecting to the database must be the same user that is running the connecting server or service (such as the Application Server). This user must also be configured with the configgp role in the database.

    User ID

    The user name of the database user account accessing the database.


    This user name is for a database user account, not a user account for OnBase.


    The password of the database user account accessing the database.


    This password is for a database user account, not a user account for OnBase.

  19. Enter any additional options.



    Additional Options

    Any additional options for the connection string. For more information on available connection string options and syntax, see the documentation for your database provider (SQL Server or Oracle).

  20. Click Test Connection to test whether the entered information forms a valid connection string.
  21. Click Create to save the information in the fields and create the connection string. The name of the data source is added to the Data Sources list on the left, and the connection string is displayed in the Connection String section.
  22. Select File | Save to save the .config file.
  23. Select File | Close to exit the connection strings dialog box.