Integration for CourtView Installer - Integration for Courtview - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for CourtView

Integration for Courtview
Foundation 22.1

Integration for CourtView is installed using the Hyland Integration for CourtView.msi. This file is typically located in the \install\Integration for CourtView\ folder of your source installation files. This installer installs the components necessary to allow CourtView to communicate with the OnBase document repository.


The Hyland Integration for CourtView.msi installer must be run on all client workstations that are running CourtView.

  1. Launch the installer file. The welcome dialog is displayed.
  2. Click Next. The Destination Folder dialog is displayed.
  3. Enter the location to install the Integration for CourtView files. The default location is C:\Program Files\Hyland\Integration for CourtView\. To change this location, click Change. The Change destination folder dialog is displayed.

    Select the new location from the Look in drop-down list then click OK.

  4. After entering the Destination Folder, click Next. The Data Source dialog is displayed.
  5. Select or enter the data source to use with Integration for CourtView from the Data Source drop-down list. This list is populated with all the data sources for which you have created connections.
  6. Click Next. The URL Configuration dialog is displayed.
  7. In the Web Server URL field, enter the URL to the OnBase Web server.
  8. Click Next. The Ready to install dialog is displayed.
  9. Click Install to install the integration, or click Back to return to the previous dialogs and make changes.
  10. After the installation is completed, click Finish.