Grouping Columns in the Document Search Results List - Integration for Courtview - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for CourtView

Integration for Courtview
Foundation 23.1

You can group items in the Document Search Results list by dragging column headers such as Document Date or Document Name to the space above the list. For example, documents in the list can be grouped according to the specific date a document was created, or by the name of documents.

To group documents:

  1. Click and hold a column header in the Document Search Results list.
  2. Drag the column header to the grouping space at the top of the Search Results list, and then release the mouse button.

    The items in the Search Results list are grouped according to the column header. By default, the document groups are collapsed.

  3. Click the arrow next to a group to expand it and display the documents in that group.
  4. To sort the order of the groups displayed in the list, click the up or down arrow icon next to the column header in the grouping space.
  5. To stop grouping documents by a column header, click the Remove Grouped Column icon next to the column header in the grouping space.