Configuring Signature Locations on a Document Type - Integration for DocuSign eSignature - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for DocuSign eSignature

Integration for DocuSign eSignature
Foundation 24.1

You can configure signature locations in OnBase instead of using DocuSign's template functionality. This is required for uploading documents to DocuSign from the OnBase Client but is optional for uploading documents to DocuSign from the Unity Client.

To configure signature locations on a Document Type, from the OnBase Client:

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu and select Signature Administration | DocuSign Signature Locations.
    The DocuSign Signature Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Right-click Signature Pad Locations and select Add Document Type.
    The Select Document Type dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select the appropriate Document Type and click Apply.

    For more information on configuring Document Types for DocuSign, see Configuring Document Types for Signing.

    The Document Type you select is added to the left pane of the DocuSign Signature Configuration dialog box and is expanded to display the following:


    • Signatures

    By default, the [DOCUMENT NAME] is the Document Type. This is how the document is displayed within the DocuSign interface. To change [DOCUMENT NAME], double-click [DOCUMENT NAME] or right-click [DOCUMENT NAME] and select Edit.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click [SAMPLE FILE PATH].

    • Right-click [SAMPLE FILE PATH] and select Edit.

  5. Navigate to and select a sample document.
    The sample document should be similar to the documents being used within the selected Document Type. If the document is a completely different size, for instance, you run the risk of the signature being cut off or not appearing in the correct location.
  6. Right-click [SAMPLE FILE PATH] and select View File.
    The document is displayed in the right pane of the DocuSign Signature Configuration dialog box.
    Use the Previous Page and Next Page buttons from the Client toolbar to navigate the document as needed.
    Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons from the Client toolbar to zoom in and out of the document as needed.
  7. Right-click Signatures and select Add Signature Field.
    The DocuSign Tab Setup dialog box is displayed.
  8. Enter the name, title, or type of a user who should sign the document in the Signature Name field.

    The Signature Name field is limited to 49 characters.


    If the remaining fields are the same as a previous signature configuration on the Document Type, select Copy settings from and select the appropriate signature configuration from the drop-down list. At this point, proceed to step 11.

  9. Select the Keyword Types that correlate with the signer's name and email address from the Signer Name Keytype and Signer Email Keytype drop-down lists, respectively (if applicable).

    If a Keyword Type is assigned to the Document Type as part of a Keyword Type Group, it is not displayed in the drop-down lists. For more information on Keyword Type configuration for Integration for DocuSign, see Creating and Assigning Keyword Types.

    If there are currently not any Keyword Types that correlate with the signer's name and/or email address, select <None> from appropriate drop-down lists.

    If you are licensed for Workflow, you can select the name and e-mail address of the signer at the time of upload.

  10. Select the tab type of the signature from Tab Type drop-down list. The tab type indicates how the signer should sign the document within the DocuSign interface. Choose from the following options:
    • Date Signed- Stamps the current date on the document upon completing the signing process in DocuSign.

    • Full Name- Stamps the name of the signer on the document upon completing the signing process in DocuSign.

    • Initial Here- Allows the signer to sign initials on the document. This action must be completed in DocuSign before the envelope is returned to OnBase.

    • Initial Here (Optional)- Allows the signer to sign initials on the document, but also gives the user the option not to sign. If a signer chooses to bypass signing, the envelope can still be completed and returned to OnBase.

    • Sign Here- Allows the signer to sign name on the document. This action must be completed before the envelope is returned to OnBase.

    • Sign Here (Optional)- Allows the signer to sign initials, but also gives the signer the option not to sign. If a signer chooses not to bypass signing, the envelope can still be completed and returned to OnBase.

  11. Click OK.
  12. Select the newly created signature under Signatures.
    A yellow signature box is displayed on the sample document. Click and drag the box where you would like the signature to appear on the document. Click and drag the handles to resize the box appropriately.

    If you use the default page zoom to modify the signature location box (i.e., if you have previously zoomed in on the document using the Zoom In Client toolbar button, you must zoom out to the default display of the document.

  13. When you have finished locating and sizing the signature location, right-click the location and select Save Location.
    The signature location is configured.
  14. Repeat steps 7 - 13 as necessary to add more signature locations to the Document Type.