Troubleshooting - Integration for DocuSign eSignature - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for DocuSign eSignature

Integration for DocuSign eSignature
Foundation 24.1

The following are issues you could encounter while using the Integration for DocuSign module.

Issue: The documents you are attempting to upload are failing to upload.

Resolution: If the upload is unsuccessful or only partially successful (in the event you are uploading more than document), it may be for one of the following reasons:

  • One or more of the documents are not part of a configured Document Type. Ensure each document is part of a configured Document Type.

  • One or more documents were already uploaded. Once a document is uploaded, it cannot be uploaded again.

  • The Signer Name Keytype has no value. Be sure the document is properly indexed before attempting to upload it.

  • None of the signature fields on the Document Type have Keyword Types assigned to the Signer Name Keytype. While you can successfully configure a signature location without defining the Signer Name Keytype, at least one Signer Name Keytype must be properly mapped before a document can be uploaded.

  • A document you are attempting to upload has a page mismatch. For example, you have configured a signature to appear on page two of the sample document, but the document being uploaded contains only one page.

  • Required .dll files are not in the correct location. Ensure the .dll files required to successfully use Integration for DocuSign are placed in the appropriate locations.


For more information on required .dll files, see the section above or contact your first line of support.

Issue: One or more parties are not receiving the email notifications.

Resolution: Ensure the Signer Email Keytype is properly mapped to a Keyword Type when configuring a signature location. If it is, also be sure the document is properly indexed with a valid email address for the Keyword Type you mapped to the Signer Email Keytype.

If you have properly indexed the document and mapped the Signer Email Keytype, and you are still having issues receiving notifications, check to be sure your user account has a real name and email address assigned to it in the Configuration module. Some solutions require the user uploading the document to have the User's Real Name and User's E-mail fields in the User Settings dialog properly defined.


For more information on user account settings, see the System Administration documentation.

Issue: Checking the status indicates signing is not complete, even though all required signatures have been applied to the document package.

Resolution: This can occur when one set of credentials is used to upload a package, but a different set of credentials is configured to be used before the status of the package can be checked. To retrieve the signed documents, the credentials used to upload the package must be reinstated.

Once a document is uploaded, it cannot be uploaded again. If you uploaded a document and didn't receive email notifications due to one of the above issues, you may want to consider duplicating the document within OnBase and uploading it again after properly configuring the email settings.

Issue: A user receives the following error when attempting to upload: This User Lacks sufficient permissions. Fail to resolve SendOnBehalfOf user.

Resolution: This issue occurs when the Enable Send on Behalf Of option is selected in the DocuSign Integration Configuration dialog box and the user's email address specified in OnBase does not exist in DocuSign.

If this user should upload documents, create a DocuSign user account that uses the same user email address specified in OnBase. You can also deselect the Enable Send on Behalf Of option, so that all DocuSign email updates are sent on behalf of the DocuSign administrator account.

Issue: A user receives the following error when attempting to view the status of a document: Access Denied

Resolution: This issue occurs when the document being accessed has not been shared with the user in DocuSign. To resolve this issue, open DocuSign administration and enable the Share envelopes with user action for the DocuSign user account that is connected to OnBase(the user account configured in the DocuSign Integration Configuration dialog box). See your DocuSign documentation for information on configuring this action.

Issue: A user receives the following error when attempting to upload: The RecipientId specified in the tab element does not refer to a recipient of this envelope.

Resolution: This issue occurs when there are two signature locations on a document, each using a different Keyword Type to store the signer's name, and the Keyword Values for the two names are identical. To resolve this issue, either strictly use a single Keyword Type for each signer's name, or utilize DocuSign templates and link those to the OnBase Document Types to be used for signing.