Uploading Files - Integration for Epic MyChart - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Epic MyChart

Integration for Epic MyChart
Foundation 23.1

Depending on your system's configuration, you may be able to upload content to be reviewed by your provider. If this feature is available, the Upload and Review Images button is displayed on the home page.

Before uploading a file, be aware of these restrictions:

  • Only the following file types are supported for upload: BMP, JPG, PDF, and PNG.

  • Each file must be less than 10MB in size.

  • You cannot delete files you have uploaded.

To upload files:

  1. On the home page, click Upload and Review Images.
  2. Click or tap the Upload Files button, if applicable.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click or tap the area indicated to select files. Choose the files you want to upload.

    • Drag and drop the files from a file browser to the area indicated at the center of the page. The drag-and-drop upload method is not available on mobile devices, Microsoft Edge, or Internet Explorer.

    The files are added to the Selected Files section of the page.

  4. Continue adding files as needed. A maximum of 10 files can be uploaded at a time.
  5. For each pending file, enter a description in the field under the file's name. Descriptions are limited to 50 characters.

    You can remove a file by clicking the Remove File button to the right of the description field. When prompted, click Remove File to remove the file from the list.

  6. Click Upload when you are ready to upload the files. A message displays a list of files that will be uploaded.
  7. Click Upload when prompted.
    When the files are uploaded successfully, a confirmation message is displayed.