Epic Welcome Keyword Type Configuration - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

When uploading documents to OnBase, the Epic Welcome integration provides keyword data that can be used for indexing. For indexing to occur, the Epic keywords must be mapped to OnBase Keyword Types using one of the following methods:

  • The Keyword Type name within OnBase must be identical to the keyword name configured in Epic (recommended).

  • OnBase Keyword Types also can be mapped to Epic keywords in OnBase Configuration. See Mapping Epic Welcome Keyword Types.


If you map Keyword Types for Epic Welcome, then you also must map the Document Types, even if the Document Type names are identical. If Epic and OnBase Keyword Type names are identical but Document Type names are not, then you only need to map the Document Type names. If both OnBase Keyword Type and Document Type names match their Epic counterparts exactly, then you do not need to map Keyword Types or Document Types.


If a Keyword Type is configured as required on the Document Type, make sure Epic Welcome is configured to provide values for the Keyword Type. Documents will not be uploaded if they are missing values for required Keyword Types.