The Integration for Epic creates users automatically and logs them on to OnBase seamlessly. Users neither need to be manually created in OnBase, nor do they have to manually log on to OnBase.
The first time an Epic user accesses an OnBase document through Epic, the Epic user account is created in OnBase and automatically added to the ALL EPIC USERS User Group (configured in the following procedure). The Epic security model governs which documents users can view within Epic.
If a user requires access to the OnBase Client, then the user's account must be manually added to additional OnBase User Groups with appropriate rights and privileges. If a user needs to log in to a client interactively, then the user's OnBase password must be reset or assigned by an administrator. Passwords do not need to be reset for users who log in to a client using a single sign-on mechanism, such as Active Directory authentication.
To configure the ALL EPIC USERS group: