Physician Acknowledgment - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

The OnBase Web Viewer allows physicians to access, review, and acknowledge OnBase documents directly from their inboxes. To show they have reviewed the documents, physicians can electronically sign (or stamp) the documents using the OnBase Web Viewer.


This feature is available only for image and text documents. Other types of documents (OLE, PDF documents) cannot be acknowledged using this process.

These signatures then are burned onto the documents by the Epic Physician Acknowledgment processor.


Acknowledging documents is not part of the deficiency resolution process. Physicians are not required to sign documents sent to them for acknowledgment. Failing to acknowledge a document does not affect a physician's privileges to treat patients. To give physicians the option to send documents to Workflow for further processing, see Document Correction Process.

To enable physician acknowledgement, configure the following components:

Acknowledgement Component


HL7 Message Template

The HL7 message template that notifies Epic of new OnBase documents must be configured to identify the designated physicians.

See Configuring an HL7 Message Template for Physician Acknowledgment.

Scan Queue

A scan queue must be configured to send documents to physicians' Epic inboxes. Scanning users can access this queue in both the OnBase Client and the Unity Client.

See Configuring a Scan Queue for Physician Acknowledgment.

Note Type

The Note Type for physician acknowledgement stamps must be assigned an icon, and users who need to create and view the stamps must have sufficient Note Type privileges.

See Configuring the Acknowledgement Note Type.


The physicians who need to acknowledge the documents in Epic must be configured as physician accounts in OnBase.

See Configuring Physician Users to Acknowledge Documents.

Epic Physician Acknowledgement Processor

The OnBase Client (or the Windows service running the OnBase Client) must have the -EPICPHYSICIANSTAMP command line switch applied in order to permanently burn the signatures onto documents.

See Epic Physician Acknowledgment Processor.

Note: To use Physician Acknowledgment, the Index Scanned Documents privilege must be assigned to the user or user group. For more information on assigning this privilege in OnBase Configuration, see the topic on user group rights in the Document Imaging documentation.

When Physician Acknowledgment is configured and a user places an acknowledgment stamp on a document, an audit message is logged that details the user that created the acknowledgement stamp and the Document Handle (the unique identification number of a document). These audit messages can be accessed in the document history by right-clicking an open document from the OnBase Web Viewer and selecting History.