Configuring the Acknowledgement Note Type - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

Physician acknowledgment stamps are OnBase notes that are permanently burned onto the document when the Epic Physician Acknowledgment processor runs.


The MedRec-Physician Acknowledgement Note Type is pre-configured to ensure it is properly displayed and burned onto documents. Because certain settings should not be modified, the Note Type's Attributes are not configurable.

To configure the Note Type for acknowledgment stamps:

  1. In OnBase Configuration, select Document | Note Types to open Note Type Configuration.
  2. Select the MedRec-Physician Acknowledgement Note Type.
    If you cannot see this Note Type in Configuration, make sure your user group has View privileges to the Note Type.
  3. Configure an icon.
    1. Click the Icon button.
    2. Select an Icon and a Small Icon.
    3. Click Save.
  4. Assign user group privileges.
    1. Click the User Group button.
    2. Assign Create and View privileges to the physicians user group.
    3. Assign View privileges to other user groups as needed.

      The Epic Physician Acknowledgement processor permanently burns these notes onto acknowledged documents. Once the note is burned, it is a permanent part of the document, and anyone who accesses the document can view the burned-in signature.

    4. Click Close.