Adding EpicIntegrations.config Settings - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

The Scan Acquisition Server uses the EpicIntegrations.config file. When configuring this integration component, you may decide to add additional configuration settings to the file.

To add a setting within EpicIntegrations.config, you must create the setting's opening and closing tags on a new line within the setting's respective element. For example, to add the Scan Acquisition Server's AutoSaveRotation setting to the <Init> element, you would do the following:

  1. Open EpicIntegrations.config from the scanning DLLs' directory.
  2. Enter a new line between the <Init> and </Init> tags, which reside in the <OBEpicScanControl> element.
  3. On the new line, enter the opening and closing tag for the setting, as shown here:
  4. Between the opening and closing AutoSaveRotation tags, enter the value you want to set. (See AutoSaveRotation for an explanation of values.)
    <AutoSaveRotation> 1 </AutoSaveRotation>
  5. Save EpicIntegrations.config.