Installing the Epic Front Office Scanning Integration - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

The Front Office Scanning integration for Epic allows Epic users to scan documents to OnBase through the OnBase Front Office Scanning client. The Front Office Scanning client offers access to additional features, including the ability to mark up documents and capture signatures.


Before attempting to install, configure, or use Front Office Scanning in Epic mode, ensure you are familiar with Front Office Scanning and its terminology. For more information, see the Front Office Scanning module reference guide.


The Epic Front Office Scanning client and the Scan Acquisition Server cannot be installed on the same workstation.

To allow Epic users to archive documents to OnBase using Front Office Scanning:

  1. Install the Application Server. See Installing the OnBase Application Server.
  2. If you are using Epic Hyperdrive, install and configure the Hyland Identity Provider (IdP) service. See the Identity and Access Management Services documentation for more information on installing and general configuration of the Hyland IdP service. See Configuring the Hyland Identity Provider for the Integration for Epic for specific IdP configuration for the Integration for Epic.
  3. If you are using Epic Hyperdrive, configure SMART on FHIR. See Configuring the SMART on FHIR Application for the Integration for Epic.
  4. Install the Epic Front Office Scanning integration on each workstation or Citrix server where documents will be scanned.