Registry values can be created in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or the HKEY_CURRENT_USER subtree, depending on whether settings should be applied at a workstation level or a user level.
By default, the Scan Acquisition Server looks for and stores certain configuration settings in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the system registry. When settings are stored in this location, they default to the settings last used on the workstation. As an alternative, you can store settings at the user account level ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the system registry) to allow different settings for each user account. When settings are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER , they must be configured for each user account under which the Scan Acquisition Server will be used.
Configuration settings fall into two categories: general settings and scan settings. General settings are the current thumbnail settings. Scan settings include the following:
Current scan system
Current Kofax device
Kofax Scan Source name
Kofax Disk Source name
Default scan from disk folder
Current ISIS device
Default sweep path
Default sweep file
Current TWAIN device
To specify where general and scan settings are stored, the following settings exist in the <Init> element of the EpicIntegrations.config file:
GeneralHKCU —Specifies where general settings are stored. See GeneralHKCU.
ScanHKCU —Specifies where scan settings are stored. See ScanHKCU.