Scan Format Setup - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

After OnBase and Epic have been installed and configured, set up a scan format on the workstation.

To configure a scan format:

  1. In Epic, retrieve an entity (e.g., patient, visit, or order) and select Scan. (Refer to Usage Overview for more detailed information on accessing the Scan Acquisition Server.)
  2. Select a scan method (e.g., Twain).

    Fujitsu PaperStream drivers are not compatible with the Scan Acquisition Server. Use a TWAIN scan method for Fujitsu PaperStream scanners.

  3. Select the scan source.

    You can configure Integration for Epic to store scan settings like Scan Method and Scan Source at either the workstation level or the user account level. For more information, see Choosing Where Registry Settings Are Stored.

  4. Create a new scan format by selecting Create Scan. Provide a name for the scan format and select OK.
  5. Modify the scan format settings as appropriate for your organization and click OK. For information about scan format settings, see Scan Format Configuration.
  6. Logout.
  7. Log back on to Epic and perform a test scan.