Enabling Bi-Directional Communication for COM Integrations - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

As of OnBase Foundation 22.1, Patch 11, if your Epic environment is using the COM integration for Epic Hyperspace Classic or Epic Hyperdrive, you must enable bi-directional communication between Epic Hyperspace Classic or Epic Hyperdrive and the OnBase Web Viewer. This allows synchronization between both clients by using web messaging standards. For example, web messaging can communicate when a user performs a specific action on a document or when a document is initially loaded.

If your Epic environment is using the SMART on FHIR integration, see Enabling Bi-Directional Communication for SMART on FHIR Integrations.

To enable bi-directional communication for COM integrations:

  1. Locate the Web Server web.config file. In a default installation, this is located at C:/inetpub/wwwroot/AppNet.
  2. Open the web.config file in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad.

    The *.config file should only be edited in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad, or a utility specifically designed to edit XML files. It should not be edited in a binary editor, such as Microsoft Word. Using a binary editor can introduce invalid characters to the file and make it unreadable by the software.

  3. Locate the <enableEpicWebViewerApi> element under <Hyland.Web.HealthcareWebViewer>.
  4. Modify the value attribute to true.
    CAUTION: When setting the value for enableEpicWebViewerApi to true, the epicScanViewerApi setting must be set to false. The epicScanViewerApi setting is used with environments configured for SMART on FHIR integrations. When both settings are set to true, bi-directional communication for COM integrations will not work as intended.
  5. Save and close the web.config file.
  6. Recycle the application pool of the OnBase Web Viewer for these changes to take effect.