As of Foundation 22.1, Patch 13, the OBEpicWebViewer.dll.config file allows the configuration of the default file location for the Microsoft WebView2 user data files in COM integrations. The default file location is %AppData%\Hyland\Integration for Epic\Epic Web Viewer\.
When modifying the default file location, you must ensure the new file location you will use already exists in your system and that the folder used to store the WebView2 files has the appropriate Read/Write permissions for the WebView2 app runtime. For more information on suitable WebView2 file locations, see the Microsoft documentation.
The default file location should only be modified if the directory is unsuitable for the environment where the OnBase Web Viewer is installed, or if instructed by your first line of support.
For more information on WebView2 requirements for the OnBase Web Viewer COM integration, see Installing the Web Viewer.
To configure the WebView2 user data file location: