Mapping Facility IDs to URLs - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

The following procedure describes how to map Facility IDs to Application Server URLs. Perform this procedure for each OnBase system you want to integrate with Epic. At a minimum, you must perform this procedure for the OnBase system that will be used as the default data source for an Epic integration component.

  1. In OnBase Configuration, select Utils | External Systems. The External System Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select Epic from the list.
  3. Click Facility Mapping. The Facility Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  4. In the Facility ID field, type the Facility ID you want to map to a URL.
    • Do not type the HY. portion of the Facility ID. The HY. will be added to the ID automatically.

    • Do not map the Facility ID for the current OnBase system. Only the Facility IDs for other OnBase systems need to be mapped.

    • If one OnBase system does not have a Facility ID assigned, leave the Facility ID field blank for that system. You can map a blank Facility ID to an Application Server URL.

  5. In the Appserver Url field, type the Application Server URL for the OnBase system the Facility ID is assigned to. Use the following format:
  6. Click Add. The mapping is added to the list.
  7. Repeat as needed for additional OnBase systems.
    To change or update a mapping, see the following topic.
  8. Click Close when finished.