Running the Scan Acquisition Server in Debug Mode - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

When the Scan Acquisition Server runs in debug mode, you can view information being passed between Epic, the Scan Acquisition Server, and OnBase. The debugging dialog boxes can display the document type values and keyword context values being passed from Epic to the Scan Acquisition Server and also information about documents archived to OnBase. Turn on debug mode if you encounter issues while using the Scan Acquisition Server.

  1. Open the EpicIntegrations.config file residing in the same directory as the scanning DLLs.
  2. Locate ShowInput within the Debug node.
  3. Set the ShowInput value to 1 if the Document Types and Keyword Values passed from Epic to the Scan Acquisition Server should be displayed. Set ShowInput to 0 to turn this feature off.

    When ShowInput is set to 1, the Values from Epic dialog box is displayed when a scan is initiated.

  4. Locate ShowOutput within the Debug node.
  5. Set the ShowOutput value to 1 to display the document handle, Document Type ID, page count, and OnBase keyword values for every item archived by the Scan Acquisition Server. Set the ShowOutput value to 0 to turn this feature off.

    When ShowOutput is set to 1, the Debug Output message box is displayed after a document is archived.

  6. Save EpicIntegrations.config.