Cannot Save Scanner Settings - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

When a user changes the TWAIN scanner settings, the new settings are not saved.

This issue may occur because the TWAIN driver does not allow scanner settings to be saved. This behavior varies depending on the TWAIN driver.

Enabling low TWAIN mode can allow users to save scanner settings. When low TWAIN mode is enabled, the following scanner settings can be saved at the local workstation level: Duplex, autofeed, color format, brightness, contrast, paper size, orientation, rotation, threshold, xres, and yres. Other settings are retained only for the duration of the scan session.

Low TWAIN mode is enabled in the EpicIntegrations.config file on the local workstation. To enable low TWAIN mode:

  1. Open the EpicIntegrations.config file residing in the same directory as the scanning DLLs.
  2. Under <Scan>, set LowTwainMode to 1 to enable low TWAIN mode.
    A value of 0 disables low TWAIN mode. When the Scan Acquisition Server is installed, low TWAIN mode is disabled by default.
  3. Save EpicIntegrations.config.